2008年1月22日 星期二

Lost in Rotterdam

I was supposed to be at Rotterdam with my friend, but I missed the right train from Amsterdam, so I'm now alone at the tourist info center in Rotterdam, don't know what the heck I should do, haha.

2008年1月18日 星期五

給遊子To the wanderers

Carolina in my mind- James Taylor

In my mind Im goin to carolina
Cant you see the sunshine
Cant you just feel the moonshine
Maybe just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes Im goin to carolina in my mind

Karen shes a silver sun
You best walk her way and watch it shinin
Watch her watch the mornin come
A silver tear appearing now Im cryin
Aint I goin to carolina in my mind

There aint no doubt it no ones mind
That loves the finest thing around
Whisper something warm and kind
And hey babe the skys on fire, Im dyin
Aint I goin to carolina in my mind

In my mind Im goin to carolina
Cant you see the sunshine
Cant you just feel the moonshine
Maybe just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes Im goin to carolina in my mind

Dark and silent last night
I think I might have heard the highway calling
Geese in flight and dogs that bite
Signs that might be omens say I going, going
Im goin to carolina in my mind

With a holy host of others standing round me
Still Im on the dark side of the moon
And it seems like it goes on like this forever
You must forgive me
If Im up and gone to carolina in my mind

In my mind Im goin to carolina
Cant you see the sunshine
Cant you just feel the moonshine
Maybe just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes Im goin to carolina in my mind

2008年1月17日 星期四

驚悚又滿意的一天Scary yet Satisfying Day

昨天晚上原本要唸丹麥文考試要用的三本小書, 但是小書和字典一直找不到
索性就把我的小窩整理一下 桌子上只剩印表機 筆電 筆記本和筆 還是找不到
我桌子和櫃子明明都清的乾乾淨淨 房間門也是鎖的
讓我想到剛到丹麥時 爸爸叮囑我要拜地基主....想不到丹麥也有相對的靈魂!

但是想想 如果祂真的會被這個傷害或鎮壓到 也不是我所樂見
再來一想 若沒有祂把我的書藏起來
應該是我還沒睡的時候那時候我都沒感到怕 那現在在怕啥哩

通常我都會賴在床上瞇一下, 然後就遲到了XD
今天可是一點睡回籠覺的心情都沒有, 故然就提早到了
祂真是用心良苦啊 讓我有個整齊的房間 又準時到校
然後下課以後跑一連串的雜務, 都各比原先的預算省了不少
可謂好運連連!! 所以今天真是驚悚又滿意的一天啊~

I was going to study for my Danish exam on Friday, so Wednesday night I looked all over my room, but I couldn't find the three books that we have to read and my danish-english dictionary.
I thought, "maybe it's because my room is too messy and the books are hiding somewhere", so I cleaned up my shelf, table, and pretty much the whole room. Then I turned off the laptop and went to bed before five in the morning. I am very sure that I only had my laptop, printer, a little box and a notepad on the table.

When I woke up around six, those three frickin' books and the dictionary lied right next to my laptop! AAAHHHH! I suddenly felt a shiver from head to toe. This is the first supernatural encounter that I can remeber! I know you'd probably think, "well...you're just too tired the night before and you didn't know you put them there." But I was really fully awake. You have to experience it to believe it.

Immediately I thought about getting my cross and buddhist bracelet, but somehow I didn't want them to hurt "the one," so I didn't use them. Then as with everything that happens in life, I tried to learn from it. First of all, if this didn't happen, God knows when I would clean my room and desk. Second, usually I stay in bed a bit later after I awake, which usually means I'm often a bit late for school. This morning I have no desire whatsoever and went to school as soon as possible, therefore I wasn't late. So this is another blessing.

And later on in the day while I was running errands at different places, for some reason I kept on getting good bargains. So this is why I call to day a scary yet satisfying!

2008年1月15日 星期二

The world's cheapest car

Any sleeping expert?

I'm never someone who has sleeping problems.

I usually just hop into bed with whatever I have on during the day and fell right asleep.

I don't even really have dreams.

When I finished typing my last post at 00:41,

I was so confident that I could sleep untill at least six.

To ensure that, I put on something I have closest to pajamas.

So when I woke up, I still had that same confidence level. I felt veyr afreshed. I have had such a great sleep that I can face whatever comes my way this morning.

Wait? 2:03?

My fat little belly started growling because he thought it's six o'clock, too. The only thing I got in the cabinet to comfort him is some gourmet dried havegryn(aka. oatmeal) , so I put some in a cup, poured some fresh Danish tap water over it and sent it into our deluxe microwave0ven, stare at it for 20 seconds and Voila! You got something definetly healthier than sugary PopTarts or Danish pastries.

Where did this sleeping problem come from?

We've all heard that our body needs a fixed amount of sleep, i.e., If you're staying up late, you're probably going to sleep more later this week. But I never knew that your body actually would subtract the sleep time, too, if you have slept too much. This is the most reasonable and scientific cause that I can think of because I slept a total of 48 hours after I came back from the states.

So my biological is totally confused. I have no idea when I feel asleep. Maybe it's at noon, in the afternoon, 7-8 p.m. I tried taking some night-time liquid tylenol I got at HEB, and that sent me to sleep for a straight 12 hours.

If you have any tips to help that little confused bird in my biological coo-coo clock, I'd really really appreciate it!

Update and thoughts

(the picture on the right was the New Year firework at Taipei 101, the current highest building in the world)

After a great trip in Texas and New York, I came back to the wonderful little city of Copenhagen, lied in bed two days because of my Texas flu, had problem sleeping for three days, and finally now everything is pretty much back to normal. normal. what a...uh...unexciting word. The project I'm supposed to work out was postponed to two weeks later, but I still got something do. I still go to Danish class three mornings a week, read a bit for the module exam on Thursday and Friday, and maybe going to Berlin or Amersterdam this weekend. I've decided to be spontaneous this week. I just realize that I'm writing in a stream-of-conciousness kind of way, and probably have been writing like this all along..........

Enough! Talking aimlessly is not what I came to Denmark for.
What I really want to say is--I miss Texas and New York...
And that's probably why I'm feeling just a little bit moody. Back to the land where you are a kid no more. You buy own grocery and talk to yourself a lot, and no one cares if you get any morning coffee :(
Looking through the pictures I took is not helping at all.
But I'm a positive person, so I'm going to take a moment to thank all the friends and families that have made my trip so wonderful. It's great to just hang out with ya'll, experience how you live and being treated so generously.
And throughout the trip and afterwards I'm more certain about two things:
1. We all need family in our life.
2. Enjoy giving when you can, don't hesitate to recieve but remember to pass it forward.

Although I don't know what I'm gonna do with my future( maybe I should stop saying that?), I hope I'll get rich one day so that I can fly all the friends and familes or fly myself whenever we want to!

Alright, now it's 00:41 in Copenhagen, 7:41 a.m. in Taipei, 5:41 p.m. in Texas, 6:41 in New York. To all the friends and familes, good morning, and good night.

2008年1月11日 星期五

French royalty, made in India

Cool story!

Bhopal, India
If France ever decides to call off its revolution and go back to having a king, the line to the throne could begin at the doorstep of a genial, plump Indian man with a name as outsized and incongruous as the massive fleur-de-lis over his porch.....