2008年2月12日 星期二

Summary of "Cinderella"

(This is also a part of the homework.)
Referatet af Askepot- af Li-Yi Chen

Der var en gang en pige hvis mor blev rigtig syg. Før moren død fortalte hun sin datter, at hun skulle plante et lille træ på hendes grav og ryste det hvis hun ønskede noget. Snart giftede pigens far sig igen, og hendes stedmor og stedsøstre var meget onde til den stakkels pige. Hun skulle arbejde hårdt hele dagen og kun fik lov at sov ved siden af ildstedet, derfor blev hun kaldt ”Askepot.”

En dag fik Askepot en gren og plantede den som sin afdøde mor havde sagt. Grenen blev et træt og to hvid duer fløj til hende. På den tid holdt kongen en 3-dage fest og inviterede all smukke piger i landet så hans søn kunne finde en kone. Askepots stedmor og søstre gik til festen, men de forbrugte hende at gå. Askepot bad om fine klæder til festen på sin mors grav, og så fik hun dem af duerne. Hun gik til fest men løbte væk unden at fortælle prinsen hvem hun var. Hun forlod en sko i festen, og senere besøgte prinsen hendes famile og spørgte om ejeren af skoen. De to onde søstre skar en del af deres fødder for at passe skoen, men det fandt prisen ud. Til sidst vidste han, at Askpot var den rigtig ejer og de blev giftes.

Summary of Cinderalla

Once there was a girl whose mom became really sick. Before the mom died, she told her daughter to plant a tree on her grave and shook it if she’d like to have something. Soon the girls’ father remarried, and her step mom and sisters were very evil to the poor girl. She had to work hard all day long and could only sleep by the fireplace, hence the name “Cinderella.”

One day Cinderella got hold of a branch and planted it like her mom told her. The branch became a tree and two white pigeons flew to her. At that time the king hold a 3-day party and invited all the country’s beautiful girls so that his son can find a wife. Cinderella’s step mom and sisters went but didn’t let her go with them. Cinderella begged for fine clothes for the party on her mother’s grave, and then the white pigeons got them for her. She went to the party but ran away without telling the prince who she was. She left a shoe in the party, and later the prince visited her family and asked about the owner of the shoe. The two evil sisters cut off a part of their feet to fit in the shoe, but the prince found that out. In the end he knew that Cinderella was the real owner and they got married.

Danish homework--My Future

(Note: this is a short Danish essay that I turned in for my language class. I wrote in Danish first and then translated it into English.)

Min Fremtid af Li-Yi Chen

”Hvad vil du lave i fremtiden, Li-Yi?” Mange mennsker har spørt om det, især nu bliver jeg næsten færdig med mit eksil i Danmark. Min ameriskanske værtsforældre har også sagt, at i USA beslutter man altid om hvad for et job han skal have før dimissionen.

Det ved jeg faktisk ikke. Jeg ved godt, at jeg gerne vil hjælpe andre mennsker på en systematisk og effektiv måde. Det kan være mennsker i udviklingslande, entreprenører med gode idéer, eller studenter der gerne vil forbedre situationer i sine egen skoler. For at gore det skal jeg have holistiske tankeganger om mange forskelige tinge. Jeg læser økonomi der give mig en teoretisk strukturer til at forstå nogle af problemer, og jeg ved også lidt om finans og kulturer i verden. Der er jo en dag, som jeg kan kombinere alle oplevelser sammen og opfylde mine drømmer.

Så hvad med det første job? Man skal alligevel få et job, ikke? Min plan er at begynde at send CVer i en måned både i Danmark og Taiwan. Jeg vil lave den bedste job som jeg kan få og så bygge på det.

My Future by Li-Yi Chen

”What do you want to do in the future, Li-Yi?” A lot of people have asked me this, especially when I’m almost finished with my exile in Denmark. My American host parents have also said that in the U.S. people always decide what kind of job they want before graduation.

I actually don’t know. I know that I want to help other people in a systematic and effective way. It can be people in developing countries, entrepreneurs with good ideas, or students who want to improve conditions in their own school. To do that, I should have holistic thoughts about many different things. I study economics, which gives me a theoretical structure to underestand some of the problems, and I know a little bit about finance and cultures in the world. There should be one day that I can combine all the experiences together and fulfill my dreams.

So what about the first job? I got to have a job, right? My plan is to start sending CVs in a month both in Denmark and in Taiwan. I will choose the best job I can find and build on that.

2008年2月1日 星期五

Share a laugh! It's National Laughing Day!(why? Because I said so)

The greatest laugh is often because of babes of different types!

Happy Birthday to my mama in Taiwan!

I know in Taiwan it is no longer February 1st, but it still is in Denmark I want to take the last chance to congratulate you, mama! You look good for 53! And Dad, happy 28th anniversary today! Nevin, (previously known as Andrew) originally suggested me to write a letter so that he could read it to ya'll. I didn't want to 'cuz I know it's going to make you two frickin' cry, which I don't want to see(not that I can literally see it myself but still!) I got two pictures of my lovely family that I'd like to share. The occasion was some distant family member's wedding. I think my parents look pretty good as 50-something (Save me some red-envelope money, please, haha)

Right this minute I'm looking at Danish newspaper clippings conerning health care in Denmark. Even though my Danish is still toddler's level, but I am smart:) I found some archives of newspaper that I can use. So instead of reading those clippings, I found their on-line version and use a wonderful Danish-English translating website. The accuracy is amazing high. The web address is : http://www.gramtrans.com/. You can translate Danish, Swedish, Norwegian into English and vice versa, and if you pay about 30 USD like I did, you can get unlimted access to the service.

Tomorrow(Saturday) afternoon we're going to have a internal meeting before our first workshop with the client. We already had a kick-off meeting on Tuesday, and my teamate, Lars, and I did a presentation about our desktop research so far and the information we had recieved from the client. The clients were very well-prepared and had a lot of industry knowledge, and our job is to utilize it and sort it in a systematic and professional way, which I don't quite know yet, but the senior consultant Alex, Edward(our supervisor), Daniela(our coordinator) seem to be very good at asking the right questions and controlling the pace of the meeting. Lars also dug out the right kind of informaiton and the clients seemed to be very pleased about it. It's just very interesting and also rewarding for me to watch these bright and experienced people working. Hpefully I'll be able to do that one day as well.

What else..oh yeah, and this morning the teacher at my language school called in sick, so I didn't have to go to class and was able to stay at home all day, so I had more time to look at the clipings. This is a good and productive day....I love it!