2008年2月12日 星期二

Danish homework--My Future

(Note: this is a short Danish essay that I turned in for my language class. I wrote in Danish first and then translated it into English.)

Min Fremtid af Li-Yi Chen

”Hvad vil du lave i fremtiden, Li-Yi?” Mange mennsker har spørt om det, især nu bliver jeg næsten færdig med mit eksil i Danmark. Min ameriskanske værtsforældre har også sagt, at i USA beslutter man altid om hvad for et job han skal have før dimissionen.

Det ved jeg faktisk ikke. Jeg ved godt, at jeg gerne vil hjælpe andre mennsker på en systematisk og effektiv måde. Det kan være mennsker i udviklingslande, entreprenører med gode idéer, eller studenter der gerne vil forbedre situationer i sine egen skoler. For at gore det skal jeg have holistiske tankeganger om mange forskelige tinge. Jeg læser økonomi der give mig en teoretisk strukturer til at forstå nogle af problemer, og jeg ved også lidt om finans og kulturer i verden. Der er jo en dag, som jeg kan kombinere alle oplevelser sammen og opfylde mine drømmer.

Så hvad med det første job? Man skal alligevel få et job, ikke? Min plan er at begynde at send CVer i en måned både i Danmark og Taiwan. Jeg vil lave den bedste job som jeg kan få og så bygge på det.

My Future by Li-Yi Chen

”What do you want to do in the future, Li-Yi?” A lot of people have asked me this, especially when I’m almost finished with my exile in Denmark. My American host parents have also said that in the U.S. people always decide what kind of job they want before graduation.

I actually don’t know. I know that I want to help other people in a systematic and effective way. It can be people in developing countries, entrepreneurs with good ideas, or students who want to improve conditions in their own school. To do that, I should have holistic thoughts about many different things. I study economics, which gives me a theoretical structure to underestand some of the problems, and I know a little bit about finance and cultures in the world. There should be one day that I can combine all the experiences together and fulfill my dreams.

So what about the first job? I got to have a job, right? My plan is to start sending CVs in a month both in Denmark and in Taiwan. I will choose the best job I can find and build on that.

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Wow, I am soooo surprised by your Danish, you have learnt the language with the speed of light, at least you've mastered the written skill. With my sparse life experience, I would suggest you to try many different things and see what you like to do. Then you will find out what you are good, what you would like to be better at, and maybe most importantly, what makes you happy. Cheers! Jack