2008年1月17日 星期四

驚悚又滿意的一天Scary yet Satisfying Day

昨天晚上原本要唸丹麥文考試要用的三本小書, 但是小書和字典一直找不到
索性就把我的小窩整理一下 桌子上只剩印表機 筆電 筆記本和筆 還是找不到
我桌子和櫃子明明都清的乾乾淨淨 房間門也是鎖的
讓我想到剛到丹麥時 爸爸叮囑我要拜地基主....想不到丹麥也有相對的靈魂!

但是想想 如果祂真的會被這個傷害或鎮壓到 也不是我所樂見
再來一想 若沒有祂把我的書藏起來
應該是我還沒睡的時候那時候我都沒感到怕 那現在在怕啥哩

通常我都會賴在床上瞇一下, 然後就遲到了XD
今天可是一點睡回籠覺的心情都沒有, 故然就提早到了
祂真是用心良苦啊 讓我有個整齊的房間 又準時到校
然後下課以後跑一連串的雜務, 都各比原先的預算省了不少
可謂好運連連!! 所以今天真是驚悚又滿意的一天啊~

I was going to study for my Danish exam on Friday, so Wednesday night I looked all over my room, but I couldn't find the three books that we have to read and my danish-english dictionary.
I thought, "maybe it's because my room is too messy and the books are hiding somewhere", so I cleaned up my shelf, table, and pretty much the whole room. Then I turned off the laptop and went to bed before five in the morning. I am very sure that I only had my laptop, printer, a little box and a notepad on the table.

When I woke up around six, those three frickin' books and the dictionary lied right next to my laptop! AAAHHHH! I suddenly felt a shiver from head to toe. This is the first supernatural encounter that I can remeber! I know you'd probably think, "well...you're just too tired the night before and you didn't know you put them there." But I was really fully awake. You have to experience it to believe it.

Immediately I thought about getting my cross and buddhist bracelet, but somehow I didn't want them to hurt "the one," so I didn't use them. Then as with everything that happens in life, I tried to learn from it. First of all, if this didn't happen, God knows when I would clean my room and desk. Second, usually I stay in bed a bit later after I awake, which usually means I'm often a bit late for school. This morning I have no desire whatsoever and went to school as soon as possible, therefore I wasn't late. So this is another blessing.

And later on in the day while I was running errands at different places, for some reason I kept on getting good bargains. So this is why I call to day a scary yet satisfying!

1 則留言:

Ying-Hsueh Chen 提到...

wow what an experience!